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What do people say about us
Evan Payne
"Very clear, precise, step-by-step instructions. I've learned a lot! Great course."
Srinidhi Sivakumar
"This course is too good for beginners. They clearly explained the basic concepts with live examples."
Vitaliy Kim
"I will recommend this course to my friends as the starting point for the beginners or as the notes for those, who already have experience with docker."
Daniel Kiss
"Instructor does a good job breaking docker into bite-sized pieces, recommend this course for newbies."
Duygu Dikbas
"The agenda was chosen with the correct points. Explanation is clear. Comparison between old and new architectures is very useful to understand the existing system."
Manan Vyas
"It's one of the fantastic courses I came across. Very good structure and to-the-point instructions with very accurate information. I could do side-by-side practice for almost all tutorials."
Ahmad Ali
"Love the short videos for each topic. Clear instructions. Each topic connects to the next one."
"Many thanks for your exam course. I just got DCA certified :) Thanks for your questions, due forced me so double check some aspects were not clear for me.
Good job and thanks again."
Piotr Sobczynski
"Simply Great! Covers every topic I needed. Thank you!"